Many people might ask – Why is Walla Walla a top travel destination? If your a local or you’ve spent any amount of time here, then the answer to this is easy. However, for those looking to visit for the first time we’ll touch on just a few of the top reasons this is a must see destination.

  • Wine

Most famous for its continuously growing wine industry, Walla Walla, Washington plays home to over 100 local wineries. From bold, full-bodied reds to crisp delicious whites and roses there is something for every wine lover to enjoy.

  • Outdoor Recreation

If you are looking for a perfect family getaway, Walla Walla, Washington is the place. There are plenty of outside activities to enjoy with kids of all ages – there are awesome camping parks, challenging bike and hiking trails and fishing spots you can visit.

  • Food

The most exciting part about visiting a new place is the food. Walla Walla offers a culinary scene to rival it’s wine. Home to dozens of restaurants, this area offers cuisine of every type and spanning every budget. It also has been named as a haven for foodies in various national publications. Regardless of your menu choice, you will be given a memorable experience.

  • Friendly People

And on top of everything, you couldn’t truly enjoy this destination without the awesome and welcoming locals! It is a small town with friendly people, offering people of all ages opportunities to grow. Known as “America’s Friendliest Small Town” the title is well deserved. If you find yourself out and about looking for advice, don’t hesitate to ask someone on the street. The chances are good that you’ll be met with a warm smile and receive excellent advice and information.

All of these prove that Walla Walla is a great place for those who want a classic small town experience. There are plenty of places to visit, good delicacies to enjoy, activities to try and friendly people to meet.

Hope this article helped you decide to book your visit to Walla Walla!